Free course for single women, to break through date/relationship struggles

Single women and ready to break through your date/relationship struggles?!

This course includes THE 11 things you want to know, to break through your date/relationship struggles.

To take take big steps towards the relationship you DO want.

(Read below for more info)

Want this free course?! Just put your name and e-mail in the form below 🙂

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Do you recognize 1 or more? 

  • Are you a Single woman?
  • You want a great deep romantic relationship… But… until now you keep ending up with the same date/relationship struggles?!
  • You want to break through those struggles, although you don’t know how yet.. 

Well don’t worry. That’s what this is for: to break through struggles and take steps towards the relationship you DO want 🙂  

Read below for good news (including info about which topics I included in this course):

In the past I struggled for such a long time in dating and relationships. I kept ending up in the same patterns……

UNTIL I finally founds ways to break through this. So something special: I integrate those 11 key ingredients in this course!! 

I wish I knew this information before; that would have saved me a lot of pain in my romantic life.

I include a lot of topics, that many women mentioned they struggle with.
Topics in this course:

  • Break through fear of abandonment
  • How to let go of an ex partner
  • How to stand up more for yourself/boundaries
  • How to boost your self-confidence in dating
  • And much more ! 🙂

What to expect in this free video course?

  • The 9 course days, will be full of valuable information, that I put together for you > to boost your romantic life.
  • Which topics: fear of abandonment, letting go of an ex, stand up for yourself/setting healthy boundaries, how to boost your self-confidence while dating. And much more.
  • Day 1 and 2 of the 9 days, will include ‘the 11 things you want to know, to break through your date/relationship struggles‘. 
  • And that’s not all. After those 2 days; 7 more course days will follow. We dive deeper into a lot of those key ingredients. I include a lot of valuable tips and reflection questions for you, to really take steps towards the relationship you DO want.
  • I wish I knew this before! Would have saved me a lot of pain in my romantic life…
  • You receive the course on your e-mail
  • More days are video’s (and some days another visual, instead of a video).

After this course you have

  • Insight in the 11 key ingredients you want to know, to break through date/relationship patterns. To take steps towards the relationship you DO want.
  • Lots of new awareness, to break through relationship struggles you are in.
  • A lot of ideas how to continue with taking steps towards Your dream relationship.
  • And more 

For who is this course:

  • Single women
  • You want to break through your date/relationship struggles.
  • If you recognize 1 or more of the following struggles, that you want to change: fear of abandonment, trouble letting go of an ex, hard to set boundaries/hard to stand up for yourself, from insecurities to more confidence in dating. And also many other topics (in day 1 and 2 I will mention those). 
  • You are motivated to break through your date/relationship struggles.
  • You want to take steps towards the relationship you DO want.
  • For those who like a VIDEO course (instead of a course based on texts, like an e-book).
    It’s a video course with visuals to explain things. And you also hear me + see me in the corner of the screen.
  • (Most days are video’s. Some days visuals with text. It also includes optional podcasts for extra tips). 
  • (Also women in a relationship joined this and learned a lot from it. Just know that the words I use are written for single women, so some you might have to change a bit in your mind when reading. For example: date > partner).
  • If you are willing to invest time in yourself in this interactive valuable course, to boost your romantic life.

Side note:

It’s not for those who:

  • Rather stay in the victim mode and are not willing to look honestly at themselves.
  • If you don’t want to change your struggles in your romantic life.
  • If you are not motivated to take steps towards the relationship you do want.
  • If you don’t like a course in video form.
  • If you are not willing to make time for yourself for this, to follow this valuable course.

ARE YOU READY ? 🙂 The information I put together, was helpful for many other women:

  • Curious why? And ready to boost your romantic life?
  • Receive this interactive video course in your e-mail, to figure it out.
  • After putting your name and e-mail below; you will receive the first day of the free course a couple of minutes after it in your e-mail (Make sure to check you spam e-mail as well if you didn’t receive it). 


Example of some reviews of others I supported: