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VRIELINK Self-Retreat
Hi lovely single woman,
Ready to take big steps towards the Relationship that YOU desire?!
I believe it’s possible; also if you struggled
a lot in your romantic life.

- I wish for more women to create the deep relationship with all they desire. That you finally found a way to break through things that you wanted to change. Ready to boost your romantic life?!

Why I’m so passionte about working as a date/Relationship coach? :
- Things that I struggled with & all changed (and a lot of my customers as well)
- I am curious which one you recognize?!
- Fear of abandonment (for the Dutch readers: verlatingsangst).
- Trouble setting healthy boundaries.
- Difficulties in receiving. More of a giver (balance in giving-receiving is really important in a relationship).
- Many insecurities in my romantic life.
- Taking things personal when a date didn’t respond.
- Feeling stressed about not knowing if your date is ready for a serious relationship..
- Overanalyzing a lot
- And much more..
- Which one do you recognize?

- Changed to:
- Break through fear of abandonment (in Dutch: verlatingsangst doorbroken)
- I know what to do when I feel anxious, sad, etc.
- Good balance in giving-receiving. Being able to receive it when a date/partner gives me a gift. Or wants to pay for a lot of things. Now this is normal for me and I feel relaxed and confident with it.
- An amazing practical tool to know the intentions of dates.
- And much more. In my free course I share more about this and valuable tips HOW to take steps towards what you DO want
- Which 1 or more things do you recognize, that you want to work towards? Below you can find more detailed information.
My vision, I believe:
- It does NOT take years to shift this. If you are motivated to work on it.
- I dare to say you can make big shifts in a couple of sessions with me. Other women also did that with support from me.

- From a dating life, in which you keep ending up in the same patterns..
- To a great romantic life that you desire, while feeling self-confident, being able to set boundaries/stand up for yourself and much more.
- My strength is to work intuitively and tap into your struggle and desire. Even though a lot of woman struggle with the same in dating and relationships. Still every woman is different. So I love to integrate what fits best for you.
- Some examples of things I like to integrate, because it helped a lot for me (and customers) to shift.
- Systemic work (family constellations and more) (online and in Tenerife)
- Masculine, feminine energy (polarity)
- And much more
- Besides coaching I also love to host things like: meditations, retreats, workshops, events with my question game.

- Free tips you can find on: Instagram, Podcast.